5x Increase for The Knot


Increase awareness and relevancy to this legacy brand’s longstanding tentpole event, an annual user survey.


  • Media relations
  • Internal communications
  • Data mining for storytelling
  • Thought leadership
  • Media training


PR impressions up 5x

Strategic PR drove 5x growth year-over-year for 2 consecutive years running this program

328 million PR impressions
402 articles

  • In year 1 of taking this over, 5x growth from previous year
  • Launched with an exclusive on CBS This Morning
  • National earned media, including: CBS, Bloomberg TV, Fox Business and more

1.6 billion PR impressions
1400 articles

  • In year 2 of running this event, another 5x increase from the previous year
  • 99% key message pull through in earned media
  • Launched with a print and online exclusive with CNN Money which was syndicated
  • This became The Knot’s top PR campaign driving the most earned media for The Knot that year